Life experience degrees for a better life

Life experience degree would be a great choice that gets you more accreditation at your work or at the recruiting agencies, life experience degree from a legalized international university as the International University Western Humanities in the United States of America.  Beside, the subjects that we offer are recognized and registered at each country ministry of education.

In addition, that an international degree enables the Gulf employees "in the Middle East" to obtain visas for their companion families

Measure your experience accurately

The International University Western Humanities based its exams evaluation on a fair assessment to your qualifications and knowledge, The International University Western Humanities assessment is basically around your daily work and missions and decisions. We recommend that our students would consider it as a professional chat around your daily working life.

Get graduate and Get legalized

Our international students will be in need for more than the experience based certificate which defines your qualification and degrees at each subject at the specialized program, they are also in need to legalize and authenticate their documents that would be recognized; the International University Western Humanities offers the apostil certificate which is internationally recognized; We have listed the eligible countries which may obtain the apostil certificate.

According to your own schedule

As the International University Western Humanities is an international university we widely understand the difficulty of the time scheduling of our enrolled working students, so we have adjusted our programs as on a part time studying and examining basis.

When we say affordable prices we mean it

Despite that the International University Western Humanities "IUWH" gives a better and full service beside the apostil advantage, the International University Western Humanities relatively offers the cheapest honoree online experience degrees as IUWH is not a profit targeting as much as targeting to provide the privilege and the promotion for the experienced hard working people all around the world.

The International University Western Humanities is an international university stated at the United States of America at Maryland state which provides its students with experience based certificates.

The International University Western Humanities "IUWH" is giving a major opportunity for the people of knowledge who dedicated their life for their work and for their community.

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